Raise your hand if you could use some help with your marketing. I know I can. If you’re in charge of marketing for your company, here’s a link roundup of 10 resources that can help you be more efficient and effective with your marketing.

1. Todoist
Having a seamless, integrated, and fast task manager is necessary for achieving the results you want. Enter Todoist. I personally use this as a plug in for my Outlook work email. I see my email in one panel, my calendar in the second panel, and my task list in the last. I have all the information I need in one glance to help me make smart, intuitive decisions about what to do next.
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2. Slack
Email is great, but sometimes it doesn’t do enough. For one, it can be slow, clunky and too formal. It’s great for outbound memos – those going to customers and vendors – but for internal use, Slack is much better. It’s fast with lots of integrations. It’s also provides a free version, so if you’re looking for a better way to send and receive message internally, check it out.
3. Google Drive (my top pick!)
Another issue with email is attachments. Finish a letter, attach it to an email, and send it on. But what happens if there are revisions? In this case, you must re-attach and resend. Now, if you’re only sending a few revisions, that’s fine. But with 20 or 30? Google Drive is much better. Google Drive keeps track and updates all changes automatically for all the people shared on the document. We use a Google Sheet that we save in Drive to keep track of all the coming in and going out – it’s perfect. Everyone can use it at once and it’s fast.
4. Google Calendar
In marketing, you must stay organized. And to stay organized you got to get all that “stuff” out of your head because, let’s face it, your head is the worst office. The more you keep up there, the more stress you’ll have. So use a calendar. I use Google Calendar, because I’m plugged into their other apps, so it’s all streamlined. But, really, use whatever.
5. They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan
Marcus is a leading evangelist for Inbound Marketing, a marketing philosophy that puts the customer first and whose primary mission is to answer the customer’s questions. There’s a heap of books teaching inbound marketing, but none are like Sheridan’s. It’s a tremendous read and has had a powerful impact on how we approach marketing here at Handy Mailing Service.
6. ListCleanup.com
Cleaning your list requires a lot of time and frustration. Luckily, to speed this process up, there’s a wonderful resource called ListCleanup.com, a website with the tools to clean your list and prepare it for mailing. It’s not perfect (and not free!), but if you’re looking to quickly clean up your list, you might give it a shot. It’s a lot like sending your car through the automatic washer – it doesn’t clean every nook and cranny of your car, but it gets the job done.
7. Hemingway
Sometimes the best way to say something is just saying it simply. That’s exactly what Hemingway helps you do. After composing a marketing email or writing a blog article, simply copy and paste your text into this web app. The app highlights a variety of different syntax errors and wordy prose you can fix to make it more readable. It also gives you a reading level score based on how many adverbs you use, as well as other things. Check it out. We use it for most of our writing, and it’s helped us become more concise and clearer writers.
8. Canva
Struggling with complicated graphic design programs like Adobe Illustrator or Indesign? Don’t worry. These programs aren’t made for beginners. But if you are a beginner, there’s a wonderful graphic-design program called Canva. It's a completely web-based program filled with hundreds of templates and easy-to-use tools to get your design project off the ground. And the best part – you can use it for free!
9. Hubspot’s Blog
Here at Handy Mailing, we use Hubspot as our website CRM. We love Hubspot. Not only do they create intuitive, smart software, but they have thousands of articles and blog posts for getting unstuck in your marketing. You can find a resource for any marketing question – from email marketing, prospecting, to classifying customers in your sales funnel. – anything.
10. The Hoth Headline Generator
One of the most difficult problems in writing is coming up with a catchy, effective headline. It’s the front door into the body of your text. If your reader doesn’t like your headline, there’s a good chance they won’t give your writing another glance. Try this website and let it do the work of generating new headlines for you.